Doesn't the words "Emotional Heath" just seem soothing to you? We all long to have total peace about who we are, what we do, and where we're going. We long to have total peace about the past, present and future. We also long to know we are in line with God's ultimate purpose for our lives.
He restores my soul. - Psalm 23:3
FORGIVENESS- This is one way God has ask us to be obedient to Him. We get so caught up and focused on how others have wronged us that we can not forgive. Even though someone has done the most wrong act they could possibly do to you, while it's not your fault that someone wronged you, your reaction in NOW your responsibility. You may feel justified in your anger or bitterness, but you still must confess this to God and forgive that person. The forgiveness may not be immediate, it may be an act of ongoing forgiveness. Does the thought of forgiving someone feel overwhelming, due to how hateful or neglectful they were to you? You don't have to feel forgiveness in order to say you forgive someone. Forgiveness is something you do out of obedience to the Lord because He has forgiven you. Forgive and release that person to God. Forgiveness leads to life, Unforgiveness leads to a slow death. It is not about being saved or not. What it's about is being able to live a life free from emotional pain and a life that God has created for you. Base your decision to forgive on not how you feel, but what you know is right. Forgiveness is right! Forgiveness does not make the other person right, it makes you free.The law of the Lord is to let go, not get even. Unforgiveness also separates you from people you love, They sense of spirit of unforgiveness, even if they can't identify it, and it makes them uncomfortable and distant. Keep in mind, that people are often the way they are because of how life has shaped them and only God knows the full story, and therefore we have no right to judge. Without unforgiveness we can't release the past. Don't let unforgiveness keep you from the healing, joy and restoration God has for you!
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. -Ephesians 4:31-32
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