Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Drowning in Discouragement

When the problems around you seem to be caving in and start taking over our peace-filled living space.... When nothing seems to be going the way you expected.... When you ask yourself, what else could possibly go wrong in my life? 
This, dear friends is discouragement! Discouragement is defined as “a feeling of despair in the face of obstacles; or a state of distraught and loss of sense of enthusiasm, drive or courage.” Check yourself: Does this sound like you?

Everyone will have their share of discouragement at some point in their lifetime. However, our approach to managing our discouragement will distinguish us from others. Discouragement not only hits folks flat in the face today, but there are several accounts in the Bible of this state of mind. The Devil has learned to attack the minds of people, making them discouraged and ultimately depressed. It is his goal to entrap people and discourage them. 
Don't let the enemy win!! There is a battle going on and God is fighting for you!But, you must stay encouraged and faithful.

Jesus does not promise us a perfect life on earth, but He does desire us to have a balance in life and He promises to carry us through those hard times. We will pass through some situations and trials that may incapacitate our joy. And still we’ve been promised victory in this world over them!

“Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me.” -Psalm 69:1-2

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

Don't let your feelings and emotions take over your life. God would never put negative feelings in your mind. Remember who is feeding you these lies. Remember who is trying to steal your joy and peace. Remember that God is for your success and is not a God of dissatisfaction, discontentment, nor discouragement. God will lift your spirits and make all things works together for your good. -Romans 8:28

Peace and victory to you beloved!

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